Soru 1 7.Sınıf İngilizce 5.Ünite Testleri Test 1
...................... is a radio or television programme completed often for prizes, by answering questions.

A) TV Series
B) Quiz Show
C) News
D) Sports Programme

Soru 2
What kind of TV programme is it?
A) Documentary
B) Reality Show
C) Cartoon
D) Sit-com

Soru 3
I .................. watching cartoons to TV Series because they are funnier.

A) prefer
B) prefers
C) like
D) likes

Soru 4 7.Sınıf İngilizce 5.Ünite Testleri Test 1
My sister ...................... Quiz shows .................... Talk shows.

A) prefer / to
B) prefers / to
C) prefer / and
D) prefers / and

Soru 5
We prefer ................ books to ..................... TV.

A) reading / listening
B) listening / watching
C) watching / reading
D) reading / watching

Soru 6
I travel with my friends ....... summers.

A) at      B) on      C) in     D) of

Soru 7 7.Sınıf İngilizce 5.Ünite Testleri Test 1
My mother watches TV ......... the morning, but my father prefers watching TV ....... nights.

A) in / at
B) in / in
C) on / at
D) at / in

Soru 8
I .................. “The Walking Dead” last night, so I couldn’t sleep.

A) watch
B) am watching
C) watches
D) watched

Soru 9
My brother watches TV seven hours everyday. He is always in front of TV. He is a ................... .
tv addict
A) TV programme
B) TV star
C) actor
D) TV addict

Soru 10 7.Sınıf İngilizce 5.Ünite Testleri Test 1
I like the news, ............ I hate soap operas and romantic films.

A) and      B) so      C) but      D) because

Soru 11
I prefer watching .................. because they are very funny. They always make me laugh.

A) romantic films
B) sit-coms
C) documentaries
D) the news

Soru 12
Which ............ you prefer? The news or documentaries?

A) do      B) does      C) are      D) did

Soru 13
I watched a basketball match yesterday. It ..............very exciting.
A) did
B) was
C) were
D) is

Soru 14
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi farklıdır?

A) interesting
B) exciting
C) amusing
D) boring

Soru 15
Young kids are ................... scary and violent images on TV.

A) interested in
B) fond of
C) afraid of
D) good at

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7.SINIF İNGİLİZCE Television 5.Ünite Test 1
