Soru 1 8.Sınıf İngilizce 5.Ünite The Internet Test 1
Görseli anlatan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
bilgisayar kasası
A) system unit
B) keyboard
C) headphones
D) scanner

Soru 2
Görseli anlatan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
A) speakers
B) wireless modem
C) USB flash drive
D) webcam

Soru 3
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi verilen listeye ait değildir?
soru 3
A) system unit
B) speakers
C) account
D) USB flash drive

Soru 4 8.Sınıf İngilizce 5.Ünite The Internet Test 1
Bill: Who in your family spends the most time on the Internet?
Jane: My sister. ....................... . She spends seven hours online everyday.

A) She doesn’t like using the technology.
B) She’s an Internet addict.
C) She never spends time on the Net.
D) She doesn’t have a PC.

Soru 5
If you share your password with a stranger, he/she can .................... for you and do anything dangerous using your identity.

A) sign in
B) sign off
C) chat
D) comment

Soru 6
You can get news and check sports scores on the Internet, but you can’t .....................

A) watch movies and serials
B) send messages and emails
C) meet friends in person
D) practice English

Soru 7 8.Sınıf İngilizce 5.Ünite The Internet Test 1
Julia: ......................
Neil: I keep in touch with my friends. I send emails and make live chats.

A) Do you often use the Internet?
B) How many hours a day do you use the Internet?
C) What do you usually do on the Net?
D) Are you an Internet addict?

Soru 8
I prefer using a ..................... . It’s funnn and easy because I can take it everywhere.

A) desktop PC
B) tablet
C) cable modem
D) telephone line

Soru 9
soru 9 A) That’s a website.
B) That’s an email address.
C) That’s a search engine.
D) That’s a web browser.

Soru 10 8.Sınıf İngilizce 5.Ünite The Internet Test 1
Dennis: Do you have a mobile device connected to the Internet?
Daniel: What do you mean?
Dennis: I mean, do you have a tablet or smart phone with the .................

A) connection cable
B) connection sign
C) wireless modem
D) Internet connection

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