Soru 1 4.Sınıf İngilizce 7.Ünite Jobs Cevaplı Test 1
He is a ................. .

7.sınıf ingilizce 7.ünite test A) farmer
B) dancer
C) chef
D) teacher

Soru 2
She is a ................ .

question 2 A) singer
B) dancer
C) doctor
D) policewoman

Soru 3
Aşağıdaki resim-meslek eşleştirmelerinden hangisi yanlıştır? question 3

Soru 4 4.Sınıf İngilizce 7.Ünite Jobs Cevaplı Test 1
I’m a ................. . I work at a school.

A) doctor      B) policeman      C) teacher      D) farmer

Soru 5
I’m a pilot. I work at the .................. .

A) airport      B) school      C) hospital      D) clinic

Soru 6
Aşağıdaki meslek- işyeri eşleştirmelerinden hangisi yanlıştır?

A) teacher – school
B) doctor – hospital
C) farmer – farm
D) policeman – fire station

Soru 7 4.Sınıf İngilizce 7.Ünite Jobs Cevaplı Test 1
Deniz: What .......... your job?
Ayşe: I ......... a pilot.

A) is / is      B) is / are      C) is / am      D) are / am

Soru 8
She is a farmer. She ............. animals.

A) like      B) likes      C) don’t like      D) liking

Soru 9
He ........... a fireman. He .............. at the fire staiton.

A) is / work      B) is / works      C) work / is      D) works / is

Soru 10 4.Sınıf İngilizce 7.Ünite Jobs Cevaplı Test 1
Görseli anlatan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

question 10 A) school
B) hospital
C) company
D) farm

Soru 11
He works at a hospital and he likes examining patients. He is a ................. .

A) doctor      B) businessman      C) vet      D) singer

Soru 12
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi diğerlerinden farklıdır?

A) school
B) teacher
C) student
D) policeman

Soru 13
Where does a chef work?

A) At a restaurant
B) At hospital
C) At the airport
D) At the fire station

Soru 14
What does a nurse like?

A) She likes animals.
B) She likes singing.
C) She likes helping people.
D) She likes dancing.

Soru 15
What does he do?
A) He is a doctor.
B) He is a singer.
C) He is a vet.
D) He is a pilot.

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